Flight Of The Conchords I Told You I Was Freaky - Vinyl
After a glorious first season that earned the HBO show six Emmy nominations, Flight of the Conchords' second run didn't quite pack the same comedic punch. Some would say it was because the premise lost its luster, but it was mostly because the music just wasn't as strong. Most of the songs in Season One were pre-written and hashed out over years of stand-up, and for Season Two, Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie were in a time crunch: forced to write a dozen or so funny songs and ten episodes from scratch. Considering the circumstances, FOTC's second Sub-Pop outing, I TOLD YOU I WAS FREAKY, has some worthwhile moments. In the R. Kelly-based "We're in Love with a Sexy Lady," Bret and Jemaine debate semantics while trying to determine if they're after the same lazy-eyed girl. "When'd you meet this lady?/Then./When?/Then./Right then?/Right then./Where?/There./Over there?/Over there./Over there there?/Over there there there," and so on, building up to Bret's ultimate question, "Was her name Brabra?" To which Jemaine replies, No I think it was Barbara."..."It was Barbara there's no such name as Brabra." It's the same straight-faced humor fans have grown to love. There's no satire quite as on-point as their tribute to David Bowie, but the duo busts out a hearty batch of sad-faced raps ("Hurt Feelings"), dance party hits ("Suga Lumps" and "Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor"), and the brilliantly '80s "Fashion Is Danger," along with the strange sea shanty "Petrov, Yelyena and Me," sung by hungry cannibals on a boat.
- Format: Vinyl
- Genre: Pop